Jummah Prayer Times
1st Jama'ah -12.30pm. 2nd Jama'ah - 13.20pm
Please note these times are for when the khutba begins. Khutba can take anywhere between 5mins to 10mins. Straight after Khutba Salah begins.
News & Updates

Prayer Times & Arrangements
Weekend Arabic Classes
Our weekend classes run from: 9.45am -1pm Sat - Sun
There is currently a waiting list for our classes.
Weekly Talks & Discussions
Click here to see out weekly events.

Ramadan & Eid Updates
Ramadan Calendar with Taraweeh times
Eid Jamm'ah at the Kings Cross Mosque 08:00am, 09:00am & 10:00am.
Salah will start at the specified times. Straight after is the Khutba it is Compulsory (Wajib) to stay for the Khutba before leaving.
General Mosque Announcement
If you have people visit you at your home claiming to be part of the mosque they are not employed nor associated with the mosque.
This is not a normal activity we engage in, the mosque does not employee persons to engage in any dawa work outside of open days or visits organised by the committee and our Imams.
Mosque Opening & Closing Times
Open for Fajr Jama'ah, Closed until 30 minutes before Zuhr Jama'ah.
We remain open across the day, closing our doors 30 minutes after Isha Jama'ah.

Make a Donation
Various Hadith cite the Prophet (PBUH) saying: “Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.”
By donating, not only will you be providing a place of worship but laying foundations for your own spiritual rewards in this life and the next
Kings Cross Mosque & Islamic Cultural Centre
Barclays Bank Plc
Sort Code: 20-10-53
Account No. 20950424

About Our Mosque
The Mosque is located at the heart of King's Cross, only a few minutes walk from St Pancras International & King's Cross Station.
It is run by a committee of 15 who are selected by the local community. They are all volunteers, helping provide a valuable service to the community.
The mosque offering a place of worship, discussions & talks.
We operate weekend Islamic classes & learning for young children.
The mosque has a dedicated area for the women worshipers to attend the salah.
Due to size of the congregation we can not accommodate sisters prayer area during Jummah time.